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Historic Preservation

“There is nothing more valuable than learning through place. Experiencing a space where history happened is crucial for fostering the shared connection that builds a stronger community.”

– The National Trust for Historic Preservation


Heritage Hill Historical State Park uses authentic restoration techniques to carefully preserve buildings and artifacts which provides an immersive journey into the history of Northeast Wisconsin. Below you will find highlights of past and present preservation projects that help bring you the Heritage Hill you know and love.

Want to learn more about how you can support our Historic Preservation efforts?

  • Become a volunteer, here
  • Make a tax deductible donation, here


Baird Law Office Roof

Thanks to generous grants from The Green Bay and De Pere Antiquarian Society and the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, along with matching funds from our Heritage Hill Foundation, we are excited to announce the replacement of the roof on the Baird Law Office.

The current wood shingles, installed in 1999, have reached the end of their average 25-year lifespan. This project involves the removal of the deteriorated shingles and nails, followed by the installation of new plywood as a base. We will also be adding a waterproof membrane and special matting, creating an air gap under the shingles to allow for proper ventilation and drying.

The new wood shingles will be installed with a five-inch exposure to the weather, layered towards the peak of the roof, ensuring a leak-free shelter for another 25 years. This project is essential for preserving the historical integrity of the building.

Stay tuned for more updates as we move forward with this important preservation effort!

Officer’s Quarter’s Windows

David (Preservation Specialist & Maintenance Technician) worked on the Office Quarters dormer windows and upper side windows.  All of these will have storm windows installed (to remain on year-round) to further protect the glazing that holds in the window glass. Storm windows will help protect and extend the longevity of the interior window panes from rot and failure.  The Fort Hospital dormers will also be restored/preserved later this summer – an exact timeline is not yet known as he is working on these projects in-between special events and educational programming.  Stay tuned!

Farmhouse Clean-up

Grounds and Maintenance Assistant Nick F (or Nick Jr.) (or Nick 2.0) was not happy with the state of farm outbuildings, so he took on the task of cleaning them up and making pathways for visitors to walk through them! Inspired by his work, Claire, Director of Engagement, and the restoration worked on interpretive signage, and are also looking at an exhibit to be opened later this year or early next year.


Tram Restoration

Thanks to a generous grant from Schneider, Heritage Hill was able to purchase and retrofit to Park needs a new tram system! This will support returning guided tram tours, general park use, and special events! These are heavy duty, larger, gas powered, still ADA accessible trams that will offer an easier experience, allowing all guests regardless of mobility issues, to explore the park’s grounds, buildings, and exhibits.


Migrant Home

Originally built in the mid-20th century and moved several times to rural locations throughout Oconto County. The Migrant Home was relocated to Heritage Hill in 2017 and underwent an extensive restoration process for the next five years before opening to the public in 2024. The construction style is a 3-season wood structure with a gable roof and made of manufactured wood panels. The Migrant Home was made possible through the generous contributions of: Kress Foundation, The Byron L. Walter Family Trust, The David L and Rita E Nelson Family Fund through The Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region, The Leon H. and Clymene M. Bond Foundation, The Kelly Family in memory of Tita Kelly Plouff, and Leicht Foundation. 



The outhouse project was volunteer led in collaboration with the Restoration Department to restore the outhouse in the Belgian Farm.

Voyageur Sculpture

The park acquired the structure in 2017 with the goal to restore and resurrect the artfully welded piece. Structural damage proved to be extensive. Professional and Heritage Hill staff welders took care to make the sculpture structurally sound, and repair the weather and rodent damage, while, most importantly, preserving the artistic integrity. On Tuesday, December 6th, 2022 the Lyndon Fayne Pomeroy Sculpture of two voyageurs and their canoe, which formerly stood on the corner of Cherry St. and Monroe Ave., was erected in its permanent home at Heritage Hill.


Did you know Heritage Hill is a state park in name only? The Park is completely operated and funded by a local non-profit corporation. We rely on donors like you to preserve these beautiful buildings and their history, create hands-on-history opportunities, and for upkeep of our beautiful grounds.

*New* Preserve Our Heritage, One Rebate at a Time!

Do you know that every time you shop at Menards, you’re not just getting supplies? You could also contribute to the preservation of buildings at Heritage Hill!

How? Help sustain Heritage Hill without spending an extra cent! Menards offers an 11% rebate on almost everything you purchase. You may either mail or drop off the rebates themselves OR drop off the bottom of your receipt on your next visit and we’ll take care of all the work of filling out the rebate form and sending it in. Look for the green box in our Education Center or hand to any member of staff.


  • Support Local Heritage: Every rebate slip you donate directly supports the restoration efforts at Heritage Hill. You’re not just giving a piece of paper; you’re preserving a piece of history!
  • Ease of Contribution: Don’t worry about the hassle of mailing or submitting rebates. We’ll take care of it all, so you can contribute hassle-free.
  • Sustainable Restoration: By recycling your rebate slips/receipts, you’re not just preserving our past; you’re also contributing to a sustainable future for generations to come.